Sara Hanning
I am a senior lecturer in clinical pharmacy at The University of Auckland. After obtaining my PhD in 2013 from the University of Otago, I started a postdoctoral position at University College London, UK. Here, I was involved in several projects related to paediatric pharmaceutics, including a multi-centre clinical trial investigating clonidine for the sedation of children (the CloSed project) and the development of a rectal amoxicillin formulation for children under 5 with pneumonia (Ramox, funded by a Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges Explorations grant). I returned to NZ in 2017 to take up my role at The University of Auckland.
My research interests sit at the interface between pharmaceutics and clinical practice, and are centred on medicines for children. This includes the development of suitable dosage forms and the acceptability of these, as well as investigating ways to optimise safety of medicines for children. Projects that I am currently involved with include: reformulation of antibiotics for children in low-income settings, medicine perceptions and dosage form preferences amongst New Zealand children and standardisation of extemporaneously compounded formulations for children in New Zealand. I am also currently collaborating on the development of pharmaceutical components of several clinical trials in neonates. In addition to this, I have an interest in reducing the carbon footprint of the pharmacy sector. I am currently collaborating with researchers from the University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering and Counties Manukau Health to develop a hydrothermal deconstruction system that is suitable for unwanted pharmaceuticals.
For more information on my research and publications click HERE
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