Trends in survival following dementia diagnosis, 2000-2018: a multinational cohort study from eight developed jurisdictions

This international study examines the length of survival and trends in relative mortality risk following a first record of dementia diagnosis in eight countries. The aim is to determine the burden of dementia in each health system, to inform dementia strategies. This cohort study used a common protocol applied to population-based electronic medical records or administrative data from the UK, Germany, Finland, Canada (Ontario), New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Individuals aged 60 years and older with an incident dementia diagnosis recorded between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2018 were followed until death or the end of the site-specific study period. Median survival by age and standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were estimated.

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Brad Raos NF

Principal Investigator:  Dr Amy Chan

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Collaborators: Dr Kebede Beyene (University of Auckland), Dr Hao Luo (Hong Kong University), Professor Ian Wong (Hong Kong University)

Status: Completed

Funding: Unfunded